Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Nightmare You Never Wanted.

 Authors Note: I wrote this so when people read it they will want to read this amazing book.
Would you ever walk into a abandoned mental asylum at night?  I wouldn’t,  but apparently six teens would.  In Luara Faria Stolarz’s book project 17 six teens go into a abandoned mental asylum at night for a night mare they didn’t want.This is definitely a great book to read.
In the book project 17 Luara had a really good idea.  It was a great idea especially for the setting of the book and what they were doing. Luara made it so there were no chapters, but instead she did it so it switched the point of view. The chapters were the characters, it would switch from one characters point of view to another. At one point you might be Derick running down the hallways trying to find Chet. Then you will be Chet and then you would from his point of view what exactly he was doing.  
A great part about this book that i always look for in books is it keeps me wanting to read more.  The different point of views throughout the book really helps.  For readers there will be one character that they want to be the point of view. That happened to me, I kept reading and reading waiting for him to be the new point of view.  When it happened i was happy and liked what I was reading, but the book was still exhilarating even when it wasn’t that certain character.
This book was really suspenseful, you would never know what was going to happen or what the characters where going to do.  They might walk into a room with a doll hanging from the ceiling saying a baby likes to die or maybe a character might fall through the floor.  Throughout the book people will play tricks on each other and hide to freak everybody out.  I was always waiting for somebody else to hide, and when they did even the reader didn’t know if they were gone for good or just hiding.
In the end the characters help a person out who committed suicide at the asylum.  This girl loved her stuffed animal so much she couldn’t let someone take it who wouldn’t be a good mom.  They go on a wild goose chase and end up finding it in her room after walking across the whole building to get to the roof where it told them where it was.  After they found out where the stuffed animal was they walked all the way back and got it.
The whole reason they even went into the asylum was to shoot a video that could win a character a internship.  Even though he didn’t end up winning they still had fun with what they did.  I think that’s the lesson in the book, that even if you don’t succeed you can still have fun.  They all had a good time and Derick got a girlfriend too because they went. The girl he is now dating went with and he was nice to her and put her before him and then he got her.
This was a great book, the author had so many great ideas that she put into the story.  This was not a hard book to read so it expands it’s ages of interest.  Except for the swearing which there was a lot of.  That is one of the great ideas, because it is realistic. I recommend this book to anyone who doesn’t mind swearing, because this is a great book.

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