Thursday, November 8, 2012

Whatever You Do

Authors Note

Everything you do has a cause and effect. Literally for everything even if it is something small like a thought about you or something really big like going to jail. What can happen easily which maybe something you don't think about is what happens in between the small outcome and the big outcome. On my football team there was a big cause and effect with one of our best players. I know he regrets this with all of his heart but he can't take away that he still did it.

During our football game my friend pretty much freaked out on the ref's because of a bad call. Even though our head coach did too it is still very unacceptable and because of this he was suspended a game which to him and to the league was his "first strike" this is the first bad thing that happened to him because of something he did, cause and effect. Later that season he got strike two by saying something very bad to a kid on the other team. This was his second and last strike. He was kicked of the team, and again, cause and affect.

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