Authors Note: I wrote my text analysis essay on how Anthony Horowitz changes the point of view in-between characters, because I think that more books should be like this. There are many books that can be improved and extended by just doing this.
Confusion happens all the time in a book. You don't know what to think about a character because someone doesn't always have the right thought about someone. Like saying they're stuck up but really just shy. In most books it's just one person's like, one person thoughts and ideas. However, in the series The Gatekeepers, by Anthony Horowitz, every couple chapters or so the point of view changes. In this book there are five main characters that all share the same importance. It helps showing the thoughts of different characters, but also what they think about each other. The story can now be viewed by many different views. It improves the quality of the literature.
Anthony Horowitz writes great books; they really show the personality of a character. She also shows how overtime in the book they change. But not just in the eyes of the character, in the eyes of others too. This helps show what the main characters are thinking about each other. Without the changing of the point of view readers, would think that maybe a character playing the bad guys or he really has changed. In the book when Scott is with the Old Ones, it goes to his point of view and it shows he’s teaming with the winning team. This helps the ready really find out how the character is really thinking about a situation
While that is happening it switches point of views a lot and shows how every character see’s what’s going on. Some hope he’ll choose them over the old ones; some think he’s waiting for the right chance to attack. This really helps the book progress along because instead of having one person’s thoughts and one person’s actions being told. Reading books like this really keeps the reader interested in the book. Sometimes you may pick a favorite character and anxiously read hoping next they will stumble into the chapter that shows his or her point of view. Horowitz has written many books with this un-unique quality. Each book better in many ways by this one thing, the changing in point of view.
When everybody, Matt, Pedro, Scar, Scott, and Jamie, get separated. It shows the point of view of all five of them. Telling the reader where they are and how they are getting along. By doing this it really shows the instinct and the personality of the character, showing how they react when pressed with an urgent situation. Some acted with braveness and others acted like a coward. This also shows how they act.
There was a scene in the book where somebody was going to betray them and everybody thought it was a different person. It went through every character's mind and showed how they investigated. It really showed how other people thought and what they thought about each other. In a book it’s really interesting to see who characters trust and who they don’t.
There aren’t many books like that, but the ones that are keep the reader intrigued and more interested. Anthony Horowitz is a great book writer. She perfectly describes and shows a character's attitude toward things. Anthony also gets the reader to realize and understand the motives of the characters very well. This really puts the book together not only does it help the reader realize what other characters think but it really pieces together a book. Everybody’s thoughts is way better than just one, everything comes together and in the end just makes more sense. Having the point of view change throughout a book drastically increases its literature and meaning of the story.