Wednesday, April 10, 2013

There's Always Difference

Authors Note: I wrote this compare and contrast essay on Scott and Jamie Tyler because they are characters in my favorite book series and I think there is more to them that meets the eye.

Difference, everybody is different. It may be the slightest of physical difference or the personality. Often identical twins are close to impossible to tell apart. These two kids are characters in the book Oblivion. You can tell them apart from how they act. More often than not one of the twin takes over the older sibling role. Scott and Jamie are twins in a messed up life with fighting to save the world at the age of fifteen. Fighting along with Pedro, Matt, and Scarlett. Just like Pedro, Matt and Scarlett Scott and Jamie have powers too, they can read and control minds. Even though they are twins you can tell the difference in them. Despite their looks you would expect and think that Scott is the older one. He acts more mature, older, confident, and serious. Even though they look the same, they don’t always act the same.

Scott is 15 just like his brother. Scott has always been the one to act first, take responsibility, and all around just be the bigger person over Jamie. Scott doesn’t control Jamie, he protects him. He’s like the older brother to Jamie and Jamie knows it. In the second book of the Gatekeepers Series, two men came to take them away because they knew about their power. It was Scott that went out to investigate, and it was Scott who stayed behind so his brother could get away. Scott asks a lot more mature than his age. Most kids would fold under pressure, but not Scott.

Scott could be looked at the protector. But with a protector there has to be the protected. This is Jamie, he isn’t like a little kid but he still isn’t as grown up as Scott. When he is without Scott he seems lost with himself, he doesn’t know what to do and he doesn’t know where to go. Throughout the series it points out that in others view it seems like Jamie is the more grown up. Even though he is small he just seems like he would assume the role. Scott is more quiet but
he is still more mature.

Even if two people seem very alike in person, don’t expect them to really be alike of what kind of person they are. The best example i’ve ever seen is Scott and Jamie. They both had gone through the same thing until Scott made Jamie leave him behind so Jamie could get away. Scott knew he would be tortured and he accepted that, because he is so much more in control of who he is and what to do to protect Jamie. Looks may mean something, but attitude and personality change everything.

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