Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Trojan Horse

When the Trojan Horse was given to the Trojan's they first thought it was a trap. The Greeks had skilfully laid out a plan. Using someone to give the Trojan's false info, and then using the signal fire. I don't think this would be able to happen in today's time. Back then giving offerings wasn't so out of place or weird. Now it virtually never happens. Now a day if somebody gave our government a peace offering or anything like that, it would go through many security checks including, infa-red scanning, x-ray, the wood would be sampled and tested, and mostly it would be checked on the inside.

In today's time war is a lot different back then. Not just how it was played out, but why they were fighting in the first place. Instead of trying to take over each others cities, now there are terrorist attacks and/or bombings. After trying to invade a city back then it seems a lot more common to leave a peace offering. Now if you tried to give a piece offering to let's say, the United States. It wouldn't go over very well because of the pride of our contry.

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