Monday, February 27, 2012

The New Spy Kids

Authors note: I wrote this essay on I.Q. because it is a great action book. Along with the action there’s some mystery, surprising scenes, and a little secrecy to top it off.

What’s one terrorist attack that you remember? Most people would say that it was 9/11. In Roland Smith’s book I.Q. it seems like there are a lot more attempts not mentioned by the U.S. Angela’s mom was killed in a failed attempt to destroy the Independence Hall. The government covered it up, saying it was a gas explosion. During this book random things will occur and they surprise you. This book surprises anyone who reads it.

One thing people like in books is that they can really surprise you, which keeps them hooked throughout book. Within I.Q. there are some small surprise and some very big surprises. The small surprises are the little things that you don’t necessarily look forward to, but they keep you reading, like what the rebellious kids eat when their parents aren’t around. The big surprises are the ones that you look forward to and these may really put the book together at the moment or later in the book. These are the surprises people want, like how some of the characters in the book are not who you think they are.

Along with the action in this book it also delivers a little secrecy. The kids, Angela and Quest, keep small and big things from their parents. It’s not only Angela and Quest that keep secrets, it so happens that their driver, Boone, also keeps some pretty big secrets from everybody. Later on Angela and Q join in and they don’t tell their parents, because if they did they would cancel the tour. The secrets are pretty big and it’s a little unrealistic that the parents don’t find out.

There’s one thing that I didn’t like in the book which is when Angela, Quest, Boone, and all the other people they are with are at the warehouse, there was a bad guy right across the road. The warehouse is where they have their motor home.  The bad part was that they knew the bad guy was there and did nothing about it. They had a bad guy spying on them and they did nothing. What if she jumped out and started shooting everyone? I really disagreed with that part.

Not everyone is who they say they are. Sometimes when you find out what a certain person is really like under their walls of lies it may surprise you. You might have a great friend that you tell everything to and trust them with all your secrets and then he goes and tells everyone all your embarrassing secrets. The truth about some people can be very surprising. It may be how they act around other people or maybe when they talk about you behind your back. This book has a couple of those surprises and it definitely will keep you reading.

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